"There's danger in this... it's not worth what they're doing, to override the people of the Party, silence the voices of the people of the Party that loudly spoke.... They were outvoted and are lashing out" because "they refuse to have unity"
and insist on ignoring the changes our growing numbers have brought within the Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA). That's what First District Republican Party Chair Sarah Dunklin observed about the old guard's continual attacks and stunts to hold onto their power within the Republican Party that are now aimed at somehow nullifying the State Convention.
Self-Interest First
As she talked with Jimmie Cavin and Dave Elswick on Dave's Wednesday morning Show about the bogus complaint filed against the 2024 State Convention by Benton County Chair Barbara Tillman, Dunklin pointed out the RPA and those behind the complaint
are willing to put their own self-interests above the interests of the people .... above the interests of this country and of Arkansas ... when we are at a tipping point where we're going to lose this country….
Nullifying the State Convention would also nullify our state's presidential electors (who've already cast votes for President Donald Trump at the RNC Convention), she explains, as well as our Republican nominees for office in the November election. Whatever it takes, "we will defend our electors; we will defend our Republican nominees," she declared.
Robert’s Rules?
Party leadership continues to be "confused about Robert's Rules" when it comes to meetings vs. conventions, Dunklin added, because they are continuing "to try to treat the State Convention as a meeting" when Robert's Rules clearly outlines a distinct difference between the two. "There are no Robert's Rules citations in the document," Dunklin says, "and there's a reason for that."
She went on to clearly state -- as she and others have done so many times before on Elswick's Show
what the grassroots want is simple; it's so simple. If you haven't gotten it, get it at this point: fairness.
Fair. Follow the Rules of the game.
What's fair is fair, win or lose. That's all the grassroots want; they want to be heard.
WATCH for more about the "small groups on both sides who want to burn down the party," thoughts on reconvening the State Convention, why it's "had to talk about this document,” and what steps may come next: