What, no standing? Arkansas and Tennessee led a lawsuit filed by 17 states to challenge the EEOC’s Pregnant Workers Fairness Act about abortions, but a federal judge in Arkansas dismissed the case last week by ruling that the states have no standing to file the lawsuit.
The players: As grassroots Republicans continue to press forward with favored changes to the Republican Party platform and RPA Rules, it’s helpful to know some of the Party players across the state. Did you know who your RNC delegates and alternates are? What about the RNC Convention Committees — who from Arkansas helps shape the presidential nominating Convention in Milwaukee this July?
Can’t read, speak English: As illegals are flooding in, some Arkansans are raising the alarm about an increasing number of accidents on our state highways involving commercial motor vehicles being driven by non-English-speaking individuals. Republican County Committees are being urged to pass a Resolution “Urging the Immediate Enforcement of U.S. Commercial Drivers Licenses for all Commercial Truck Drivers in Arkansas.”
It’s not over. From the Brian Malinowsky family attorney Bud Cummins:
True the Vote’s 611 Project made open records (FOI) requests to all 50 states and the 200 largest counties in the country asking about the process for evaluating citizenship in our voter records. Check out Arkansas’ response here.
Truth always comes out: The Lancet censored it initially, but a newly peer reviewed study by doctors censored for their truthful skepticism about COVID shows that 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 jab. Most deaths occurred within a week after the shot.
But who sees this admission now? Left wing fact-checker admits that President Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people.’
Who’s on first? The Trump campaign apparently successfully headed off a potential coup at the RNC Convention by seeking to replace six Arizona delegates — including the delegation chair — who were allegedly training with other states’ delegations to disrupt the Convention by suspending the Convention rules from the floor.
“Photographs of slides from the training meeting even mentioned how to motion to place a new candidate into nomination. Emails sent … before and after that training session clearly indicated … [an] intention to train delegates on how to exercise their “rights” at convention.”
After some skirmishes, the Trump campaign withdrew its challenges to the six Arizona delegates, who “cleared the air” and vowed they support no one but Trump as the presidential nominee.
Election stunts: Poll watchers in the Lynchburg, Virginia Republican Primary claim obstruction in mail-in ballot processing, broken seals, and unsupervised ballot counting.
They’re gaslighting us when they say the economy is strong! “The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index has plummeted to its lowest level in seven months. The index reading for June came in at 65.6, down from 69.1 in May and lower than the 72-level expected by consensus. …The Consumer Sentiment Survey was at an all-time high in 2019” during the Trump presidency.
Of all places! Governor Sanders says she supports a ban on smart phones in school. Now the board of the Los Angeles Unified School District has voted to ban cell phones in schools beginning with the spring 2025 semester. Governor Gavin Newsom “likely will succeed in a statewide ban” he is seeking, as more and more officials across the political spectrum are recognizing the detrimental effects of cell phones on student learning in school.
More trash: Another Supreme Court Leak? Biden Announced Executive Order to Legalize Immigrant Spouses 3 Days Before SCOTUS Issues Ruling on Spouse's Visa
Speaking of leaks: Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press. Here's Why...
Manual election recount in SD: The Republican County Auditor in Sioux Falls, South Dakota plans to recount the results of two elections by hand, finding “alarming” discrepancies between the official canvassing results and audit logs that show 24,000 ballots unaccounted for by tabulator machines. (The source story notes that — horrors! — the Auditor “has associated with people who refuse to accept the results of the 2020 election.”)
Russian software? Biden has issued an executive order to prevent US companies and citizens from uploading updates to Kaspersky Labs’ anti-virus and other software because of national security concerns. “The move uses relatively new Commerce Department authorities built on executive orders” signed by Biden and President Trump.