As a Republican County Committee member, what do you know about the Republican National Convention? Why do we list the names of those elected as RNC delegates and alternates and all that?
It's because being an elected delegate to the Republican National Convention is more than a prestigious big deal trip and an opportunity to rub elbows with many of the old guard in the Republican Party of Arkansas as well as so many other Republicans from across the country.
Did You Know?
Just like the Committees who are delegated authority to arrange the Biennial State Convention for the Republican Party of Arkansas, the Republican National Committee has a Rules (and Order of Business) Committee, a Platform Committee, and a Credentials Committee -- as well as a Committee on Permanent Organization --for the upcoming July 15-18 RNC National Presidential Nominating Convention.
Members of each state’s RNC delegation not only represent their state at the Convention but are chosen to serve on those RNC Committees, who meet online and in person in Milwaukee immediately before the Convention begins. Just like the RPA Committees are authorized to handle details for the Arkansas Republican State Convention, these groups help shape the outlines of the Republican National Convention. Committee members from the Arkansas delegation are
Rules & Order of Business Committee:
State Rep. Mindy McAlindon (National Committeewoman)
Doyle Webb (former RPA Chair)
Platform Committee:
State Sen. Jim Dotson
Julie Harris (Nat'l President, GOP Women; RPA Secretary)
Committee on Permanent Organization:
Sen. Joshua Bryant
Sharon Lloyd (President, state Republican Women)
Credentials Committee:
Susan Gessler (3rd District Chair)
John Nabholz