I was first in and among the last out. I know what happened and it is not what RPA has said. I thought that we are the moral and ethical party????

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The truth must be the guide. The RPA has made this problem for Arkansas Republicans. They are the ones who can fix it by rescinding their bogus nullification of the 2024 State Convention (where they also lied when they said the Convention adjourned sine die). Then our Convention Chairman can ethically sign the elector certification -- otherwise she is also signing onto and going along with their lie.

Whatever happened to the "will of the people" -- the delegates -- who voted to make those historic changes at our Convention? Is the RPA's lie about the elector certification worth more?

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You can read our original news reporting here as South Arkansas Reckoning broke this story: www.southarkansasreckoning.com.

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Thanks for your continued coverage. Sunlight is the best disinfectant!

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We agree!

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Great work! At South Arkansas Reckoning, We stand for the truth!

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