I support Jennifer Lancaster, we need her fighting fir the Republican Party

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going to have to go with Sarah Dunklin on this. It’s a shame that this happened .. but The Lancaster’s defense of Jimmie Gavin calling the big guy over and then sucker punching him was inexcusable.

and then using their role as attorney’s for Sarah and her child as leverage.. to obtain further advantage was also inexcusable.

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Seems like a look here not there situation.

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What biased baseless claims.

What is missing here is the fact that Mrs Lancaster baselessly sought to remove members of Saline County committee, then proceeded to invite trouble makers to incite to their committee meeting whom were not Saline County members.

Jimmie Cavin assaulted a member at this meeting, and yes it was assault, not self defense as claimed.

This was further elaborated at district when Lancaster used Sarah Dunklins child as a tool against her to try to force Sarah to allow Jimmie Cavin into the meeting," Who should have been in jail".

County commitee meetings, state district etc. Do not and cannot condone, support such violence, and criminal behavior.

Mrs. Lancaster has attacked, derided other grassroot Patriot members who did nothing whatsoever.

The 1st district and grassroot patriot members stand by what we unamonously voted for at the state convention, however the Lancaster's behavior we do not support, or condone.

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