Saline County Committeeman Steve Lux doubled-down on his remarks critical of his fellow Saline County Republicans and "patriots" when he (unlike most of the Republican "old guard") agreed to talk by phone with Jimmie Cavin and Dave on the May 21 Dave Elswick Show.
Cavin invited Lux on the air to discuss remarks Lux made in favor of the failed "2/3rds" Rules change at the May 18 State Republican Committee meeting. It was a 2-part interview; read 2nd District Chair Jennifer Lancaster’s comments here.
Lux, who also serves as the state Platform & Resolutions Committee Chair, began his interview by invoking his Party credentials and quickly brought up the involvement of newer party members who, he said, are "quickly taking over."
I've been doing this a long time, I'm a Reagan Republican. I got involved in the Party back in 1977.
He quickly turned to a thorn in the establishment's side as he described a possible proposed Rules change that would "eliminate any participation by elected officials in any Committee of the Republican Party." Replying to Dave’s question, Lux admitted that Rules change is not on any official meeting / Convention agenda and so won’t be considered now because the state Rules Committee has not approved it for inclusion.
Cavin pressed Lux on how his May 18 remarks square with the State Committeeman instruction to “reflect the will and interests of the County Committee” in Article I, Section 6.G of the RPA Rules. Lux responded by describing "the outside group -- they call themselves the patriot group -- that's taken over the [Saline] County Committee."
Dave then pushed again, "They're not an outside group, they're Republicans, aren't they?"
There's more as Lux doubles down on the "outsiders" that are "taking over" when Cavin pointed out that, per the RPA Rules, individuals elected to represent a County Committee should do just that -- represent that Committee, not carry out their personal choices and decisions.
Lux’s remarks — a personal attack — demonstrate a lack of respect for fellow members of the Republican party and a deliberate flaunting of the Rules his own State Committee is mandated to follow. We are looking for a positive resolution to the ongoing insider shenanigans aimed at newer Constitutional conservative voters who want only to support the Republican principles and platform and contribute to the Party that’s united to defeat Democrats in November.
Watch Lux’s interview: