Constitutional conservatives across the country are discovering an alternative to the mainstream Republican Party and its RINO ways. It’s an organization rooted in “Ronald Reagan values” that began in the 1930s that pledges “to endorse viable Republicans who align with and support the Republican Party platform and principles,” while “informing and directing legislators to support and pass constitutionally aligned, liberty-preserving legislation” and opposing bills that “restrict our inalienable rights.”
The National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) calls itself “the Republican wing of the Republican Party.” With over 24 state chapters, the NFRA is “a grassroots movement made up of Reagan conservatives who believe in small government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and a decent America.”
The National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA)
is a grassroots organization committed to helping our state Republican Assemblies reform the Republican Party to achieve their goal of a constitutional government….
Our aim is to Reclaim the Republican Party for Conservatives, Reform the Party back to its Conservative Values, and Restore Republicans’ faith in the GOP. We don't need a third party. We need to return the Republican Party to its pro-Constitution roots.
We are the Republican wing of the Republican Party, the home of the Frederick Douglass Republicans, and "The conscience of the Republican Party." President Ronald Reagan. Founded in 1934 some have called the TEA Party before there was a TEA Party. We support true Republican candidates, endorse in primaries and work to restore the Republican Party to the values and principles of the Party of Reagan.If you are a member of any group aligned with the US Constitution (912ers, Tea Partiers, Eagle Forum, Right to Life, Gun Owners of America, NRA members, Conservatives) then you are a candidate for joining the NFRA and you are needed
A Florida Republican Assembly member explained a bit about NFRA on Ringside Politics with Jeff Crouere a couple weeks ago:
Please visit the NFRA website to learn more. The old guard flank of the Republican Party of Arkansas continues to do everything it can to exclude constitutional conservatives who only want to focus on Party principles and the platform and equal application of Party Rules so that Republicans can win elections. Do we need an Arkansas NFRA chapter?
The fiscal session of the Arkansas Legislature begins April 10. We read the bills! VOTE on bills that are important to you and your family; get your account today!