A beautiful piece about a beautiful force in Arkansas grassroots politics: Read about Rebekah DeWitt from Lincoln County and her take on last week’s State Convention successes.
Watch ‘em: Governor Sanders called the special session of the Arkansas Legislature that begins today at noon to deal with more tax cuts and the Game & Fish budget. But by a special vote lawmakers could take up other issues. Use your account at to keep track and vote on the legislation (bill information updated every 15 minutes).
Opposing LEARNS, of course: On June 7, opponents of the LEARNS Act filed a lawsuit, asking a Pulaski County Circuit Court judge to block the law, which plaintiffs say “violates the state Constitution by allowing tax dollars reserved for public schools to be paid to private schools.”
Not in Little Rock: All four Arkansas Congressmen are demanding that the VA immediately remove the pride flag flying over the Little Rock Veterans Administration hospital via a letter to Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough.
Arkansas is tops (!): Out Leadership’s 2024 equality report (advocating LGBTQ+ inclusion in business) shows their “equality scores” decreased in 22 states over the last year. Arkansas ranks first on their list for poor “equality” for the 2nd year in a row.
Coulda seen this one coming: The ABC has revoked the license of the state’s first marijuana dispensary, Green Springs Dispensary in Hot Springs, after 50+ earlier violations of state law. The owner, who wants to sell to another dispensary, plans to sue.
Here’s more from Conduit News “behind the scenes of the RPA Convention.” (Are you a member of your local Republican County Committee? Things have changed!Now’s the time to join in.)
Mandatory draft for women? “The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) has proposed to include a provision in the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that mandates draft registration for women.” (Senator Tom Cotton serves on that Committee.)
Gaslighting (again): The Left gets more and more unhinged every day. Their latest? “It's a Conspiracy Theory to Say That America is a Republic and Not a Democracy!” Really.
Medical debt won’t count against your credit: Biden has proposed a rule to ban medical debt from credit reports that could remove as much as $49 billion of bad debt from credit scores for 15 million Americans, says ABC.
Your driver score: “You know you have a credit score. Did you know that you might also have a driver score” that shows “your driving habits — how often you slam on the brakes, speed, look at your phone or drive late at night”? Your auto insurance company can get it. Can you?