We did our best to not join in the hysteria and fear-mongering over COVID, even back in 2020 and 2021. Since then we Americans have learned that accurate, dependable information was being withheld from the public on so many levels. Now, three years later, so many revelations are proving that we’ve been had — mistreated, cheated, and lied to.
We’ll take time every now and then to provide current COVID information now being revealed in the hopes that making this information more available could help prevent such a disaster in the future. We hold hope that perhaps, one day, true justice can be brought and the perpetrators not only stopped but punished for what amounted to a massive world-wide loss of personal rights and total collapse of institutional trust across all sectors.
»» COVID Would Kill 1 in Every 29 People:
Take a look at Bill Rice Jr.’s Substack, where he explores the government’s line that “deadly COVID would kill 1 in every 29 people” — a key piece of the fear-mongering pushed on us to gain compliance with shutdowns, vax mandates, isolations, masking, and all the rest. He examines the spike in all-cause deaths that did not appear until after “vaccines” were widespread, along with reasons why “experts should have already known this virus wasn’t any more deadly than the seasonal flu.” The observations and stats he presents are impossible to ignore.
»» mRNA COVID “Vaccines” — More Deaths Than They Saved
Here’s a well sourced piece where researchers say mRNA COVID “vaccines” have caused more deaths than they saved; those researchers seek a global “vaccine” moratorium and immediate removal from children’s immunization schedules after their study (added to all the others we know about now) “revealed ‘well-documented’ serious adverse events and an unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio.”
(We will never give you a pay-walled link.)
»» COVID Funds Used for $1,000 Checks for Illegal Aliens
In the “ongoing massive government fraud” category:
… federal COVID funds were used in Washington state to give $1,000 checks to illegal immigrants who were ineligible to receive federal economic impact payments during the pandemic due to their immigration status…. Washington state received $4.4 billion in [American Rescue Plan] funding….
»» How Did COVID Come to Be “Leaked” in China?
If you watch COVID news, you’ve probably seen that “Top U.S. virologist Ralph Baric engineered the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in his lab at the University of North Carolina as part of his work” on DARPA-funded research. Now the DailySceptic reports these details (some of the science is a bit deep in the first few paragraphs but it’s worth reading to follow what happened next):
… Baric’s DEFUSE proposal did not win the DARPA funding. And while it is rightly pointed out that, with or without the funding, much of the work was already in hand, it’s what happened next with the winning DARPA proposal where the story really gets interesting.
It appears that competing scientist Dr. Vincent Munster
took Baric’s patented SARS virus-vaccine and made a transmissible version at his Rocky Mountain Lab (Baric’s version was not intended to be transmissible). … The virus-vaccine having been made transmissible in Montana, it would then have been sent to the WIV to be tested on Chinese bats, which were not available in American labs.
A study of nearly 100 million recipients reveals higher risks for at least 13 adverse neurological, hematologic (blood), and cardiovascular events of special interest following COVID-19 vaccination.
A Rumble video interview with integrative pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas “breaks down the eye-opening results from his extensive, peer-reviewed, ten-year study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids in hisPortland Oregon pediatric practice. The Oregon Medical Board took away Dr. Thomas’ medical license because he published this data about what he observed — that unvaccinated kids were getting less sick compared to the vaccinated.
A deeper dive into the WHO’s new pandemic treaty and proposed changes to its International Health Regulations (IHR), shows that these binding regulations, considered to be international law, fundamentally alter the WHO’s ability to respond to “public health emergencies” throughout the world and “significantly strip nations of their sovereignty.”
The Florida grand jury probing whether “pharmaceutical manufacturers (and their executive officers) and other medical associations or organizations” partook in “criminal activity or wrongdoing” concerning “their involvement in the development, approval or marketing of COVID-19 vaccines” reveals “5 things you weren’t allowed to say” about the pandemic and masking.
Of course, there’s so much we still do not know about how we have been deceived. If the above information proves true — together with what we’re learning almost daily — no wonder the American government works to hard to shut down all talk about COVID!
Image: Creative Commons license; blogartesvisuales.net
Suggest that you take a look at the work of Dr John Campbell on YouTube for data on excess deaths.